  • Joined on Apr 17, 2023
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hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

  • 11f05f5bce super 권한일 때 그룹명 검색조건 추가

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

  • ccb27fd7c1 통계 페이지 전체 그룹 조회 작업

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

  • 1e7490c1c2 시간 통계 bar 그래프 y축 단위 변경

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

  • b478143e49 비행 시간 통계 그래프 라벨 수정

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

  • 68fd09017c 비행 거리 그래프 데이터 단위 수정

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

  • 056f69e61b 비행 통계 상단 데이터 표출 단위 수정

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago

hhjk00 pushed to master at pav/pav-fe-kac

10 months ago